Mixing Methodologies - Knowledge Management
Through our 15+ years of experience in the government workspace, C5T has learned that many methodologies work together to support one another. We enable our customers' success by meshing multiple methodologies into a single, tailored solution.
On each contract we hold, we bring the best solutions to the customer by deliberately incorporating Knowledge Management (sometimes called KM) into all aspects of the effort. As processes are analyzed by our Process Analysts, we look for ways to help support and streamline work being performed. Our deliberate approach to developing, capturing, and maintaining shared understanding enables effective and efficient decision support and repeatable organizational processes. Using Knowledge Management principles helps us coordinate processes to complement each other, working with teams to come to the right solutions and increasing the value of the work performed.
Increasing Knowledge Sharing
Increasing Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Management guidelines facilitate collaboration and learning by simplifying and clarifying the way knowledge is stored and shared. As processes are being mapped out, our teams take notes on what is facilitating knowledge sharing and how teams are currently sharing information. Working with teams, we find the best place for collaboration and document storage so everyone can easily find the information they are looking for. Storing information intentionally not only benefits teammates – it also benefits leadership and other teams. Having guidelines on how information is stored reduces the time it takes to train new teammates. A large component of Knowledge Management is making tacit information explicit and connecting those who know with those who need to know. This is helpful for new teammates, other teams, and leadership who need to understand the process of generating information and where it came from. Information and knowledge sharing is imperative between teams, so all involved have the information they need to perform their tasks.
Aligning Organization Processes
Knowledge Management and process refinement provides a cross-functional collaboration structure for managing your most important resources – the time and knowledge of every teammate. Knowledge Management supports organizational processes by aligning and synchronizing information. As our Process Analysts are working with teams to streamline processes, our Knowledge Management Specialists are working closely with teams to ensure the information they need is readily available. In previous efforts, this has included centralizing repositories to perform tasks with the same information. This coordination not only helps teammates access the information they need for their duties, but also provides workers with the context of their overarching process.
Supporting Decision Makers
Supporting Decision Makers
Decision makers rely on subject matter experts that provide them with the knowledge they need to make decisions. The combination of data, information, context, and tacit knowledge converted into explicit knowledge provides our clients with the decision advantage they need. Increasing the amount of collaboration and explicit knowledge reduces the amount of time teams must spend preparing for information sharing. Centralizing and sharing knowledge reduces the workload on teams, facilitating increased analysis of information and decision preparation. The marriage between Knowledge Management and Process Management creates workflows that feel seamless to everyone involved in the process. Decision making also relies on the context of the information presented. Decision makers need to be able to clearly understand the processes and information their teams are using to mitigate decision-making risk.
Thinking Ahead
Thinking Ahead
Our goal is to ensure all processes are set up to share the right information, to the right people, at the right time, in the right context, and in the most valuable format. Working with our Knowledge Management and Process Management Experts, we will align and synchronize processes, create an organizational knowledge structure, and foster a knowledge culture so everyone can access the information they need to know. We work hard to support all teammates, from the subject matter experts to decision makers and provide everyone with accessible information they need. To learn more about how we can support your Knowledge Management needs, head over to our Knowledge Management page.